Choose your path.

Start Free

0 forever

  • Free: forever
  • Bring your tokens: required
  • Public workflows: unlimited
  • Private workflows: none
  • Support: community only
  • Finetune: none
Signing up and start creating workflows.
Just bring your tokens.

Standard Plan (Recomented)

16,30 subscription

  • Tokens: 100K
  • Bring your tokens: optional
  • Buy more tokens: optional
  • Public workflows: unlimited
  • Private workflows: 10
  • Support: by email
  • Finetune: none
Create workflows right now, without any hassle!.
You can cancel anytime.


ask us custom

  • Tokens: on demand
  • Bring your tokens: optional
  • Buy more tokens: optional
  • Public workflows: unlimited
  • Private workflows: unlimited
  • Support: 1 hour video call, per month
  • Finetune: on demand
Customize your plan to your needs.
Contact us to get a quote.